I hesitate to add this one to the list, because it was made by a friend in a non-restaurant setting. However, he wanted to be compared against the professionals, so I shall do my best.
Quick caveat: I failed to write down my thoughts right after the dinner, so I’m working on year-old memories.
Fish: mahi-mahi
Price: $0
Extras: A really awesome sauce (guacamole with lime and yogurt and a good dose of cilantro) that made me want to eat many more than three tacos. Seriously. I went home with a full belly.
Review: The only thing that made these tacos not have 5 chickens is that the fish wasn’t fresh caught (much easier to do in Southern California than in Pennsylvania) and the tortillas weren’t hand made. Neither of these factors changed the taste, though. The sauce was really good…and as you might have noticed, I am not a fan of the creamy sauces.
Rating: 4 out of 5 chickens